15 Dec 2008



Four Sundays before Christmas we celebrate Advent. We celebrate it because we are waiting for Jesus. We light up a lot of candles. We have an Advent candlestick and light one candle every Sunday and we also bake Christmas cookies and sing Christmas songs.
Charlotta & Caroline

11 Dec 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Today we got our first snow this winter :-)
Soon it is Christmas, and on December the first we put light in our windows and decorated our houses.

On December the 18th we start our Christmas holiday for three weeks, when we celebrate Christmas and the New Year. We hope that we will have a white Christmas this year. In December we eat a lot of Christmas food in restaurants and we go shopping like we are crazy. Now the weeks before our Christmas holiday we have lots of exams at school.
Caroline & Charlotta

13 Nov 2008


The experience of visiting Sweden was great, I'd repeat it without a doubt! I learnt so many new things, I met loads of new people and I discovered a different way of living. I found lots of amazing and interesting things, like for example, leaving your shoes at the entrance of the house.

However, one of the things I liked most is that everybody can speak English! This is an advantage and somehow I feel jealous. It's great to have almost all the films and T.V. series in English. Apart from school, it is a very good and effective way of practising and learning English.