30 Apr 2010

The Poet and the Women

Hi! I’m Estefanía and I am writing again to tell us you my last trip I made with my class. This happened the 13th of April, the second day after Easter holidays.

My class and half of the people from 1st of bachillerato who are studying Latin like us, went to Zaragoza to see a theatre of Aristophanes called “Thesmophoriazusae” or “The Poet and the Women”.

Well that day we Left Soria at 8 o’clock from the high school by bus and we arrived at Zaragoza at 10.15 more or less. We were late for the 1st theatre and museum so we had to go to the other 3 museums we had reserved to visit them. There we could observe the primitive theatre built for a long time ago by the Romans when they conquered our peninsula, and that is still preserved up to our days.

We spent the whole morning going from one building to another up to the time we had lunch. Afterwards the let us go shopping or whatever we wanted until the theatre of Aristophanes began.

It started at 5.30 and it lasted for one hour, it was quite interesting and funny so everybody liked it. Once it was over we went to the Square “El Pilar” to visit the cathedral and finally at 7.30 we left the city to come back to Soria.

This was an unusual activity that our teacher of Latin prepared for us, it was an entertaining trip and I wouldn’t mind going on another.

Thanks for reading about it

26 Apr 2010

The crazy videogames player

Hi, I´m Javier and I´m going to talk about an article I read some days ago, this article talks about the effect of the videogames on children´s behaviour.

The article says that young people who play violent videogames, even for a short period of time, become more violent and aggressive.

Moreover these chidren try to imitate the characters of the videogame with their friends , this imitation can cause serious illnesses, these videogames could also affect the children academic task because if the child was always playing games he wouldn´t do his homework and it could cause a worse relationship with parents.

In contrast I think that a simple game can´t affect so much the children´s behaviour .because most of the children have a limit with the videogames and they also do sport or meet friends instead of playing videogames.

On the other hand, I read another article which said that playing videogames helps the children to develop their skills such as the visual attention, so videogames perhaps aren´t so terrible.