19 Apr 2009

Happy Husky

Hi! I’m Miguel Angel and I’m going to talk about Siberian Huskies.

Firstly I want to say that I have the one you can see now.Huskies are strong, working dogs. You can see them in many colours from white to black, and they usually have markings on their heads.
The Siberian husky has a thick, woolly undercoat and a soft outer coat. It’s able to survive attemperatures as low as -50 degrees C. These dogs are very gentle and playful.

As I know very well, my dog never tires and if he doesn’t get enough excercise he can be very destructive. They don’t like to be alone. Another good point about these dogs is that they are good with strangers and children. We probably know these dogs pulling a sled. Their weight is about 20 and 27 kg .My dog’s name is Max and he is 8 months old.


Irene said...

Wow!!! I didn't know that you had one of those. I think that they are really beautiful.=D

Anonymous said...

huskies are ver independent and disobedient,but they are pretty :)

Miguel Angel said...

My dog sometimes starts to run and anyone or anything can stop him!!