8 Mar 2009


Hi!! How are you? I’m going to talk about stereotypes, because it’s something quite common especially when you are going to visit another country.

Spanish stereotypes are normally related to: tortilla (potato omelet), sun, sea, sand, bullfighting, flamenco dancing, salsa, Shakira, Ricky Martin, Benidorm, Barcelona, paella, sangría, chorizo (of course!!), wine and tapas. There are some other things thought about Spanish people like being very lazy and of loving having a siesta (nap). Spanish people are considered to be very rude, shouting at each other and arguing instead of talking. Also, we shouldn’t forget that Spanish people supposedly have really weird timetables.

As for Swedish people, we can say that people think (and maybe they get it right) that they have blonde hair, blue eyes, and they are tall and beautiful. These all fit the Swedish stereotype of both men and women. However there are brunette, brown eyed, short Swedish people.

However, when we were visiting Sweden we could see for oursleves that most Swedes speak really good English and enjoy talking to foreigners. They are very friendly and they love to celebrate holidays. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here in Spain.


Anonymous said...

You look beautiful in that dress Irene! who are your friends, I want to introduce them to Alberto...

Wii said...

Stereotypes are very commmon that all the countries had some but they must dissapeared
It is good that people of other countries can travel and will know that the stereotypes are false

*Crispin you are bilingual of course,but the last year some repeat or go to their country so you must by in 1ºof baccalaureate