21 Mar 2009


Hi! I’m going to talk about a book I read some weeks ago. This book is “Vector” written by Robin Cook.

It’s a thriller that has to do with a possible biological attack to New York. A Russian citizen (Yuri Davydov) with the necessary knowledge to create two kinds of biological weapons, anthrax and a botulism toxin, decides to attack Manhattan with the help of a paramilitary group. There are thousands of people who might die, but two forensic scientists start to investigate the problem.

It’s a very interesting book that I’d recommend to everybody. When you start reading it, it is addictive. The end is unexpected and you will be surprised if you read it. Robin Cook is a great writer and Vector will not disappoint you.
I hope you’ll enjoy reading this book.


Anonymous said...

it sounds really interesting! I really like those books that catch you from teh first time you read them, not like the ones we read at school.....so booooring

Sandra said...

I am going to read this book these days,because it seems to be interesting.