14 Apr 2009

It is raining again!!

People here in Spain might think that Sweden is cold or windy. But they are not right. The best adjective to describe Sweden's weather is: RAINY. Yes, it is true.

I took my thick coat and then I had to leave it inside my bag and use my umbrella. Amazing!

One night, we were outside, talking and suddenly, it started to rain. I remember Jennifer said: This is Sweden. I heard that same sentence so many times during the following days…

The day we went ice-skating, we were walking and it started to rain again. We had to run. Hope you never have floods.

1 comment:

Avvebavve said...

hi there!!
i am a swedish boy
, and i can agree that it rains alot here in sweden , i guess that it depends on that sweden lays in the coastal areas , so. atleast i think thats it's very annoying with rain, but in the winter periods it's pretty nice couse then we wil have snow :D
hehe, so long fellas :)
so i also understand that you´think its strange couse i guess that you dont have this mucj rain in spain?? ;) HEHE bye bye