9 Dec 2009

Our favourite sports

Ice hockey

I like watching ice hockey. It’s a funny and hard sport. You have to be very strong and a good skater.

You need skates, a stick and many pads on your body. You also need a helmet, of course.

The biggest league in ice hockey is NHL (National Hockey League). Only the best players in the world play in NHL.

I think the best player ever was the Canadian Wayne Gretzky. He was fantastic. But my favourite team is a team in the Swedish highest league, called ”Elitserien”. I have seen many of their matches. Their name is Frölunda Indians and they are from Gothenburgh. I really like them.

Ice hockey is best when you see it live. But it’s fun to see on TV too. There are other sports I like watching, ice hockey is only one of them, but today I chose to write about ice hockey!

Marcus Andersson


I love to ride, I’ve been riding since I was seven years old.

At the beginning it was hard to hold your balance in the saddle, but now it’s really easy.

If you ride in a riding school there are often 4-9 people in a riding group. I started riding in a riding school and I’ve been doing that for seven years now.

I’ve also had three ”nursehorses”. My first was named Cassernagh Darkie. He was brown and had a blaze on his face. My second horse was called Molly. She was light brown and had long mane and tail. My third horse’s name is Casper. He has also a very light coat and he is the cutest thing you can imagine.

Cecilia Andersson


I’ve been dancing since I was about five years old. Whenever I start with a sport it always contains some sort of dance. I first started dancing when I was training rythmic gymnastics. Later I started practising figure skating. Both containing some sort of dance. I love dancing. And it isn’t as easy as everyone thinks.You must work hard, be strong and you have to be flexible and be in good shape. You should know how much work, sweat, tears and blood there is in every dance. If you haven’t gor hurt or if you don’t get sweaty, you are not doing it right. Dancing is really a more demanding sport than, let’s say, hockey or football. Well, maybe not more, but just as demanding. So think of that before you try it. But when you’re doing it right, it can be just beautiful.

Elin Öhrn


One of my favourite sports is soccer. I have been playing soccer since I was born. Soccer has always been my favourite sport and Spanish soccer is always the best. J

The most important thing to know if you want to start playing soccer is that you are not only one player. You are a team.

Cristiano Ronaldo and David Beckam are my favourite players. Beckam comes from England but plays in a team called Milan and Cristiano Ronaldo is from Portugal but plays in Real Madrid, which is a team you probably have heard about…

Robbin Englesen

10 Nov 2009

My "small" Way to Relax

Hi, it's Miguel Angel again, and I want to tell you my tip to relax.

I have two special places where I go to relax, both of them are in my small village. I use one of them in Spring and Autumn and the other only in Summer. The first one is in the middle of a small forest. There is a very small river that at first sight is very ugly. However, if you follow it you find a small waterfall about two metres high. Right on one side there is a samll place where I can sleep to the noise of the water.

The other one is much more different, although I thinkl it is more beautiful than the other. It's at the highest part of my village where there are some windmills. So, what I do is sit down by the windmill with my music and the wind in my face to see the fantastic view of all the villages around mine.

I think everybody has a way of relaxing so I propose you tell me how you relax...

28 Oct 2009

Old Chickens Make Good Soup!!

I’m going to talk about the new Moto GP world champion Valentino Rossi, who is considered to be the best rider ever. He has won the championship 9 times. He has managed to beat one of his hardest competitors, the Spanish pilot Jorge Lorenzo, who is 22.

Rossi, 30, celebrated his new title with the slogan: Old chickens make good soup. With this Rossi wanted to say that he is old, but he still manages to beat the “youngsters”.

He won the championship after a very difficult rainy race. He started in pole position but when he reached the first bend he was in 10th position. However, he ended the race in third place, just one place before his rival Jorge. So for me, one of his greatest fans, it was one of the best moments of the year and to celebrate it he did two amazing wheelies!!

15 Oct 2009

What a disaster!

Hi, it’s Sergio again and I’m going to talk about a bad experience I had last weekend. I took part in the duathlon in Almazan. This duathlon consists of running 6 kilometres, then cycling 20 kilometres and then running again the final 3 kilometres.

The race started. I ran the first 6 kms in 24 minutes, 2 minutes slower than the first runner and 30 seconds slower than the second. When I got on the bike I was third, but in 5kms I was first.

I was first and I was feeling great, but then something bad happened… I had a puncture in my rear tyre. I decided to continue with a flat rear wheel, but I had to reduce speed so the second competitor reached me, and a kilometre later something even worse happened to me. I had another puncture in my front wheel!!! At that exact moment I realised that I wasn’t going to finish the race. I had to retire.

This was a bad experience that I hope will never happen to me again!!

14 Oct 2009


If we take a look at today’s number of electric cars we will be able to see that it is incredibly low. Nowadays, the country with the highest number of working electric cars is Germany with just 1400 units. Why don’t we care more about investing in “techno-ecology” and sustainable resources, so that the Earth will last much longer?

Audi has assumed this responsibility and has therefore designed a futuristic, new-concept car. The basis of this car is simple: no CO2 emissions are allowed. The car is powered with four interconnected electric engines placed one in each of the wheels. The maximum power of the car is 313 horsepower and the weight of the batteries (which are stored in the centre of the car), is 450kg. The whole car weighs about 1600kg and it can reach 100km/hour in 4.8s. The maximum speed of the E-Tron is limited to 200km/h due to the batteries dependency. The autonomy of this car is 248km but Audi has promised an improvement in this aspect. It has got just two seats and they are displaced several centimetres to the front because of the huge space occupied by the batteries.

Like many other electric cars, it is provided with a system that uses the kinetic energy generated during the use of the brake. Furthermore, they are now investigating how to heat or cool the inside of the car without using any electric energy or any fuel.

The coolest thing about this car is that you can just plug it in the socket of your own house. When the batteries’ charge level is low, you simply plug it in and wait between six and eight hours. In spite of being quite a long time, there is a chance that in the near future gas stations will provide us with high voltage sockets that will reduce the charging time to 1 or 2 hours.

This car is great but what about the price? The cheapest 100% electric car is nearly 32,000 euros, so just imagine what the price of the new Audi might be... It seems that if we want to help our plane we need either to be rich or wait for the electric cars to come along an dismantle today’s motor industry.

19 Apr 2009

Happy Husky

Hi! I’m Miguel Angel and I’m going to talk about Siberian Huskies.

Firstly I want to say that I have the one you can see now.Huskies are strong, working dogs. You can see them in many colours from white to black, and they usually have markings on their heads.
The Siberian husky has a thick, woolly undercoat and a soft outer coat. It’s able to survive attemperatures as low as -50 degrees C. These dogs are very gentle and playful.

As I know very well, my dog never tires and if he doesn’t get enough excercise he can be very destructive. They don’t like to be alone. Another good point about these dogs is that they are good with strangers and children. We probably know these dogs pulling a sled. Their weight is about 20 and 27 kg .My dog’s name is Max and he is 8 months old.

Formula 1

I would like to talk about the formula 1 championship this year. The competition between the pilots is very close this year. The difference between each car is little and in some cases they are almost the same. The FIA try to promote a balanced championship by forbidding some kinds of aerodynamic changes and making the tires totally different.

However, their efforts were for nothing because as always happens, there is always someone cleverer than them. In this case, we find BRAWN GP team that created a new diffuser which makes the car go faster.

The championship started on April 5th; the first race was celebrated in Malaysia. There was an enormous surprise in every team when the first positions were held by Jenson Button and Rubens Barrichello. The new diffuser made them beat all the other teams such as the great Ferrari or McLaren. Other teams had a new invention called KERS (kinetic energy recovering system) but it didn’t help them to get better positions.

Most of the teams without the new diffuser complained about it to the FIA. Later it was ratified as legal, and as a result they needed to change their cars to improve them.
Now that most teams have changed their cars like Renault, there was an incredible change in the last race in China. After the hard work of the engineers, the Spanish driver was able to get second place in the qualifying session on Saturday.

Until the end of the championship in Brazil we won’t know the name of the 2009 champion.

14 Apr 2009

Spanish Stereotypes

There are a lot of Spanish stereotypes.

One of them is that all Spanish people like flamenco dancing, but I think that it isn’t true because I don’t like flamenco.

A second stereotype is that Spanish people are very rude because they shout a lot, but I think that Spanish people shout because there is a lot of noise pollution here, so we must talk louder to the people who we are talking to in order to hear them.

People also think that we all love bulls. However, in Spain there are a lot of problems with them because there are some people who are always protesting about them.

Yet another is that Spanish people drink a lot. I think that this is right, but there are also a lot of people who don’t drink.

Finally, people think that we have strange schedules. I think that this is true but we are accustomed to them so other countries’ schedules are strange to us.


Hi, I'm Miguel and I'm going to talk about the Grand Prix motorbike championship and my favourite rider Valentino Rossi, who is the current world champion.

The championship takes place every year between March and November and there are more or less 17 races.

There are three classes:

•125cc: This class has really young riders some of them are 15 and the motorbikes are
little but they can do over 200 km/h

•250cc: This is the 250cc class with bigger bikes. The champion is Marco Simonchelli

•Moto GP: This is the top class with really big bikes, which go at over 350 km/h

Valentino Rossi has won one championship in 125cc, another in 250cc and 6 in Moto GP. He also holds the record of victories in Moto GP, in addition he has won nearly half of the races he has competed in.

He is also known for his funny celebrations when he wins a championship or an important race. For example, once he went to the podium with a plastic chicken to promote a friend's butcher's, another time he dropped the motorbike on the ground, he jumped over the circuit fence and went into a portable bathroom.

His best rival is Casey Stoner who won the 2007 championship and beat him in the first race of the year, which took place last Monday at Losail circuit in Qatar. It was supposed to take place on Sunday but it was cancelled because it was raining a lot. The most shocking thing about this race is that it is raced in the middle of the night lit by huge spotlights.

It is raining again!!

People here in Spain might think that Sweden is cold or windy. But they are not right. The best adjective to describe Sweden's weather is: RAINY. Yes, it is true.

I took my thick coat and then I had to leave it inside my bag and use my umbrella. Amazing!

One night, we were outside, talking and suddenly, it started to rain. I remember Jennifer said: This is Sweden. I heard that same sentence so many times during the following days…

The day we went ice-skating, we were walking and it started to rain again. We had to run. Hope you never have floods.

3 Apr 2009

Tour de Bilbao

Hello, I´m Sergio and I´m going to talk about an impressive cycling race in Bilbao, on the north coast of Spain. This race is so impressive because more than 6000 people take part every year.

Last year I took part in it with my father and some of his friends, but this year I will do it with all my cycling team mates so it will be fantastic. During the race you can see people of all kinds and from all kinds of places. Last year I met an American guy that told me he has been taking part for the last 11 years. But the person who impressed me most was an 87 year old father and his son who only had one leg! Also if you are lucky you can see some professional cyclists like Samuel Sanchez or Miguel Indurain. If you like bikes you also can see a display of some famous brands during the previous and the following days.

The race is not very hard so most people can finish it, also in the middle of the race there is a huge area to get as much energetic food and drink as you want, because you need to eat something to finish it alive. When you finish, the organization gives you a free ticket to have a look at the Guggenheim museum.

The only nightmare is to finish the 120 kilometres long race.

Would you like to take part in it?

27 Mar 2009

Cibeles Catwalk is the main platform for the promotion of fashion in Spain, and nowadays it is the fourth most international catwalk after Paris, Milan or New York.

It is situated in Madrid, and the last edition (49th) was from 20th to 24th February 2009, Autumn - Winter. There are two catwalks –Cibeles and Neptuno-, and they have different characteristics, such as design, lighting or the terraces.

In the 48th edition, a new and decisive chapter was opened in the history of Cibeles, IFEMA (Institute Fairground of Madrid) made a new project and Cibeles had a new format with a new identify: CIBELES MADRID FASHION WEEK.

A lot of designers take part in this event, like Jesús Del Pozo, Amaya Arzuaga, Andres Sardá or Victorio & Lucchino.

After the fashion show some cocktails are served backstage, but these cocktails are only for the most renowned people and over 18, because they are served alcoholic drinks.

It is said that most of the models that parade on the catwalks suffer from anorexia, but it is not true. They only follow a simple diet without too many excesses.

I recommend you see a fashion show, its cool!

23 Mar 2009

Dorian Gray

Hello people, I am Laura!

Today I am going to talk about a book I have just finished reading named " The picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde.

This book is really interesting and peculiar. The main character of the book is Dorian Gray a very attractive handsome man. An artist named Basil Hallward paints a portrait of him impressed by his beauty .Dorian feels worried about losing his beauty and because of some magical, strange event, the portrait starts to became older instead of him.

Dorian starts to live a life full of sins and satisfaction. In a particular way Dorian is showing us a life guided by his own senses and desires. By this time his picture apart from being old is getting deformed because of his vain and bad life.

Another character of note is Sibyl Vane, a poor actress who Dorian falls in love with. He destroys her career and finally she kills herself drinking prussic acid.

In the end Dorian finally kills Basil the artist, and with the same knife he kills himself stabbing it into the picture. The police find Dorian’s body old and in a very bad way and the picture in its original form.

If you are interested in the plot of the book you should read it! It is really good! There is also a very old film of this book but this October a new one will be premiered.

Father's Day

Hello! I am Sandra, and I am going to talk about father’s day in Spain. Here we celebrate “San Jose” or father’s day on March 19th, but I know that in Sweden, Estonia, Finland and Norway it’s celebrated on the second Sunday of November. It is a celebration that changes according to the country.

Father’s Day is a bank holiday and is celebrated by families. Here it is typical to give your father a present and spend the day with him. The typical presents are after shave, clothes, watches, etc. Younger children usually make drawings for their fathers in school. Also, small children make cards and sometimes objects in clay. It is usual to celebrate with a cake after lunch.

It is a special day when you have a holiday and you don’t go to school or to work. I like this day because some families spend time together and celebrate.

What do you do that day?

21 Mar 2009

Too Old to Rock 'n' Roll: Too Young to Die!

Hello everybody!! This time, I’m gonna talk about last AC/DC’s world tour. The release of their last album, Black Ice, pulls the trigger to start this worldwide tour out. AC/DC, is a hard rock band, which was formed by 1973 in Sydney. Some members didn’t suit the band and left, and some others left as their first official lead singer had died. Despite all these facts, AC/DC has been rocking all around the world till today.

Between 2008 and 2009 they’re gonna give nearly 90 gigs that will surely fill huge arenas. The 20th and 22nd of February, The Globe in Stockholm was crowded, and around the beginning of April they’ll be rocking in Spain (Madrid, Barcelona and Bilbao.) Unfortunately, the tickets for the Spanish concerts were sold out in less than 3 hours and if you wanted one, you had to camp in the street and wait in a queue that lasted the whole night.

I don’t know if anybody has been to any AC/DC concerts or if they have one of those desired tickets, if so, comment here!

Rock on!

The First Time

I don’t have a blog and I’ve never written anything for one. In fact, I think I’ve only seen a few. Some were done by friends of mine who talked there about themselves, like a diary.

The last was my cousin’s wedding blog. She lives in Belgium and her blog has a different entrance depending on the language spoken. She has had some problems with it, there is a youtube video about the place where the wedding is going to be, but it never works. The thing I like most is the book of visits, everyone wrote about the very sweet story of their love.

I’m ashamed to say that I haven’t yet visited the Swedish blog and I’ve just remembered that I promised to give to the teachers some photographs of the trip (don’t kill me, please!)…..I’ll do it soon, for sure.

Let’s change the subject! I’m excited about the visit of the Swedish people. I think I’m going to take Therése to my village, El Burgo de Osma, because I find it really unfair that there are visits to Calatañazor, Abejar, Vinuesa… and not to El Burgo! I’m sure she’ll love it.
Nothing else for the present time.


Hi! I’m going to talk about a book I read some weeks ago. This book is “Vector” written by Robin Cook.

It’s a thriller that has to do with a possible biological attack to New York. A Russian citizen (Yuri Davydov) with the necessary knowledge to create two kinds of biological weapons, anthrax and a botulism toxin, decides to attack Manhattan with the help of a paramilitary group. There are thousands of people who might die, but two forensic scientists start to investigate the problem.

It’s a very interesting book that I’d recommend to everybody. When you start reading it, it is addictive. The end is unexpected and you will be surprised if you read it. Robin Cook is a great writer and Vector will not disappoint you.
I hope you’ll enjoy reading this book.

15 Mar 2009


Hey!! I’m Elsa

I want to tell you about what my friends and I did on 21st February.

That day was carnival and we dressed up as Tinkerbell, Peter Pan's Fairy. We wore beautiful green dresses with wings and a magic wand. We put our the hair up in a bun.

That day we went to the discos to dance and everyone was dressed up as angels, witches or policemen. It was really funny except when we had to pass between many people with our wings, that was horrible everyone told us “take that off NOW”.

I expect to dress up again the next year!!

That was a funny day, please write your opinion.

8 Mar 2009


Hi!! How are you? I’m going to talk about stereotypes, because it’s something quite common especially when you are going to visit another country.

Spanish stereotypes are normally related to: tortilla (potato omelet), sun, sea, sand, bullfighting, flamenco dancing, salsa, Shakira, Ricky Martin, Benidorm, Barcelona, paella, sangría, chorizo (of course!!), wine and tapas. There are some other things thought about Spanish people like being very lazy and of loving having a siesta (nap). Spanish people are considered to be very rude, shouting at each other and arguing instead of talking. Also, we shouldn’t forget that Spanish people supposedly have really weird timetables.

As for Swedish people, we can say that people think (and maybe they get it right) that they have blonde hair, blue eyes, and they are tall and beautiful. These all fit the Swedish stereotype of both men and women. However there are brunette, brown eyed, short Swedish people.

However, when we were visiting Sweden we could see for oursleves that most Swedes speak really good English and enjoy talking to foreigners. They are very friendly and they love to celebrate holidays. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here in Spain.

Jueves Lardero (Part 2)

Hello people!

I am Lorena. I am also going to talk about our very special day of February in Soria (my city). It is one Thursday in the middle of February. This year it was February 19th, and I went out with my friends at 11a.m. to go to the Royales (it’s a field to approximately 3 km from Soria). Other people prefer to go to Valonsadero (it’s a country park further from Soria than Royales) or the “Dehesa” (a big public park). We decided to go there because there are more people of our age. We went at 11:45, we took food (sandwich of tortilla and chorizo, chips, little doves, sweets …) and drink. Thankfully it was hot the whole day. Some people made a barbecue to roast chops, chorizo … We left at 7 pm went the sun went down. There were many people and we knew many people, so we had a good time :) Next year we’re going there again.

27 Feb 2009

Jueves Lardero


It's me Alberto, and I'm going to tell you about a tradition we have here in some towns in Spain.

The Thursday when the carnival starts is known as "Jueves Lardero". On this day in Soria, all the young people go to the countryside with their friends and stay there all day. Gastronomy plays a very important role and people eat the typical food of our region.

In Soria we celebrated last Thursday by going to a place named Los Royales, situated on the outskirts of Soria. The tradition is to eat bread, sausages (Chorizo) and eggs, there is even an old proverb that says "jueves lardero pan, chorizo y huevo."

I went to Los Royales at ten o'clock in the morning with my friends. We stay edthere eating and having fun all day. Then, at seven o'clock it started to get cold and we were very tired so we went home. Once I was at home, I fell asleep.

Later one of my friends phoned me to go out at night and he woke me up. We met at twelve o'clock and we went to a pub, but we only drank coca cola. I had a great day.

See you soon

Row, Row, Row


I'm Lucia from Soria, I hope you remember me. It’s my first time on the blog, but I will contribute more often from now on.

I’m going to talk about the next trip we are preparing to Italy. At the end of the course all the students from 1º of Bachillerato will travel to Italy. Right now we are thinking about what dates we are going to go as we have some problems with the dates the teacher said to go, because we have some important exams. We are also thinking about the transport to go, we have more than one option.

The possibilities are to go by boat and plane. We want to go firstly by boat to Italy and at the end of the journey go back to Spain by plane. Also we have the possibility to go to Italy by bus and back to Spain by boat, in my opinion this option is worse because the journey by bus is very exhausting. We will have to wait and see how we finally go, but I hope we will enjoy ourselves as much as we enjoyed being in Sweden.

I will write again and tell you more about the journey.

I wish you would comment on the blog

My best wishes


25 Feb 2009

Hello Everyone!


How are you all? I hope that you are all well. I'm here in soria, I go to high school everyday and all those things. I try to study more but I'm better at practising athletics. Nowadays I'm training very hard because I want to win all my races. Last week we ran in Palencia, my team finished third but we want to improve more .

Sometimes I play football and basketball, but now I can't because I have a little injury in my knee and I can't do brusque movements .

That's all for now. Hope to see you all soon,


12 Feb 2009

Relative Strangers

On Saturday afternoon I watched a film in which the plot is about Richard Clayton- the main character-, a young writer and psychologist. Things are going well, until he discovers few days before he gets married that he was adopted. His parents left him in front of an orphanage with a teddy bear.

When he found this out he immediately decided to call a detective to try to find his real parents. The investigations were so quick, that in few days he would invite his real parents and friends to introduce all the family before the days of the ceremony.

This couple appeared in America as fast as they could although they were living in Peking. The first meeting with Richard weren’t so good, as the two people were too small, fat and impolite, but kind-hearted. They worked as traders, nothing to do with Richard, a rich and polite man.

They spent some days living together at home, with Richard and his girlfriend. He became so stressed out by them, he couldn’t stand it and he threw them out of his house. When the couple saw that their behaviour was so bad they told Richard that they weren’t his real parents (although they were really), but one day he found a necklace from his mum in the garden in which there was a photo of him inside when he was a baby and a part of the teddy bear from his childhood. So, although his real parents were completely different, he look for them again and apologized and finally they celebrate the wedding all together.

7 Feb 2009

Working in Åre

Hello Spanish people!

Here we are again!

This time we are going to write about the workplace training we’ll be doing for the next six weeks, starting on 16 February. We are going up to the Swedish mountains and the snow, to a place called Åre (se map to the right).

We are going to work at a big hotel, the Continental Inn. We hope we’ll learn how it’s like to work at reception, conference and housekeeping. We are going to live in the personnel residence.

In our spare time we will definitely go skiing. We are also going to watch the Alpine World Cup.

Love from Charlotta and Caroline 


Everything is so slow right now, this has been our last week at school before a six-week-long work experience period. The weather is very cold, but we have not had any real winter yet...  What comforts me right now is knowing that summer is coming closer and closer. Longing for warm weather, an ice cream in the city and a refreshing bath… Why was I born in cold Sweden? Are some born with luck and some with bad luck? Actually, it is not that I dislike Sweden, I'm just a little tired that nothing happens. Would need a major cultural change at the moment! ^^ Whatever! My next scheduled trip is down to Spain, so I’m looking forward to it! Hope to enjoy the things I have not done before. I am a little concerned about the food though. It has been incredibly difficult for me to try new dishes but it will be fun to see how the food in Spain is different from our food here in Sweden. I have already understood that your meal times are different from ours. You have dinner late compared to us Swedes, who are used to having dinner at around 5 or 6 p.m. And so what? It’s fun to learn about other cultures, it is a great experience!

Time goes sooooo slowly ^^

Jennifer V W

Hi there!

My name is Isabella Lindblom and I am going to tell you a little about my future work experience. I will have a trainee post at a hotel called ”Fars hatt”. It is a pretty small hotel in a town called Kungälv. I will be a trainee there for six weeks. The first week I will work at housekeeping and the second week in the breakfast restaurant. The third and fourth weeks I will be at reception and the fifth and sixth weeks I will work in the conference department. 

21 Jan 2009

Do you know how to use PHOTOSHOP?

Hi! Joaquín here and I'm going to talk about a computer programme called Photoshop.
This programme is a photo editor that helps you when changing the appearance of your pictures. It has got huge tools for manupulating the pictures. However, some of them are a bit complicated to learn and to use.
There are a lot of things you can do with it. For instance, you can focus on an image correctly if you haven´t focused correctly when shooting with your camera.

The example above is an easy way of correcting photos that were taken badly.
You just have to click on duplicate layer, then Filter- Focus (several times) and finally, if you want you can modify the opacity of the copy of the layer. This will give a different appearance to your image but it is not necessary.
Photoshop has got many other functions such as colour balance, focusing correction, "sound effects" applied to pictures, edition of many formats and many others!
This editor combined with Image Ready ( they are usually together) enables you to create "live images" as if they were moving (EXAMPLE)
The important thing about this second example is that you can choose a text to be "automatically written". You'll need more or less 3 layers for each letter (in my case 6 letters x 3 layers= 18 layers, so, I had to duplicate the original layer 18 times). Then you have to erase the last letters and leave the first one, afterwards you erase one letter less and you leave one more until you cannot erase more because the word has finished. This effect can be changed in many ways by applying different effects on the layer or using Image Ready in a different way.
All this stuff is found on the following web site, there are plenty of sources just based on photoshop. Some of them are very well explained, step by step ( most of them are in Spanish).
I hope you've enjoyed this post and if you have some experience with photoshop please comment on them here!!

Holy War

Hello my name is Alberto!!! I am going to tell you about a game that I play on the internet. It’s set in the world of the Middle Ages, the age of the crusades. Playing the game is free but like a lot of games on-line you can pay for a premium account but this gives you some advantages. When you register you can choose whether you want to fight as a Christian Crusader, Muslim Saracen or Pagan. To go up to the next level you have to sack, fight with other players or you can go to battle with your alliance. You have some personal values (attack technique, defence technique, strength, experience, agility and life energy) and you can buy weapons, shields, helmets and armour that rise up your personal value, you can buy or sell these things in the city. T
he following shops are at your disposal in the city: “The Blacksmith”: to buy or sell weapons, shields, helmets and armour. “The Elixir Store”: to buy or sell all kinds of elixirs. “The Horse Stables”: to buy or sell horses. “The Market stall”: Here you can apply for work. The higher your level, the better the pay. The Mercenary Market”: You can offer your services as a mercenary on the mercenary market. “The Arena”: Here you can fight with other players, you stake money and if you win you get the money. “The Tavern”: In the tavern, you will find games of chance where you can bet and win gold…

This game has many more things that I have left for you to discover your self. If you want to play, here is the link.
