18 Jun 2010

The World Cup

This year sees the World Cup in South Africa, one of the most important events in the world. The best football teams in the world take part which means that the media and millions of people will be focused on what happens over the next month.

South Africa is a country that must grow and develop and this event can help it, building better roads, hospitals, schools and creating jobs through the construction of stadiums and hotels. The majority of the population is black and often poor and only a minority is white and often wealthy. The country's favourite sports are football and rugby.

One of the features of the people is that when they see a football game they are very happy and sing together. They also play a trumpet called vuvucela that mimics the sound of the elephant!

The most important person in the country is Nelson Mandela, who has fought so hard to achieve this great event and fight for the rights of black people in general. Also one of the most important things in the world cup is that you meet people from other countries and from your own country too. It is also a great opportunity to help more disadvantaged people and give them our support.

I also want to take the opportunity to say that I HOPE SPAIN WINS!!!!

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